101515 REV C
Localized temperature therapy is recommended in treating the following applications:
Orthopedic Conditions such as:
acute injuries, chronic pain, lower back pain, muscle spasm and strains
Skin Trauma such as:
abscesses, boils, bruises, burns and contusions
Other conditions such as:
chronic arthritis, neuritis, phlebitis, tendonitis and I.V infiltration, infection and localized pain.
Other applications only as prescribed.
OK for Use With:
Non-acute traumatized tissue.
Impaired mental status.
Insensate body surface.
therapy. However, if oxygen tent is in use, do not use pump inside tent.
Heating contraindications are:
Application to a body surface with compromised blood flow (Ischemia, area under pressure, arterial insufficiency).
Application to a patient with an increased tendency to bleeding (aggravates potential for hemorrhage).
Application to a body surface with possibility of malignancy (tissue metabolism is increased and therefore, the
growth potential of the malignant tissues).
Treatment of hematoma within first 24-48 hours (potential for re-bleeding and hemorrhage).
Recent sprain or fracture (acute inflammatory response).
In combination with topical solutions whose toxicity may be affected by the application of heat.
In combination with other heat sources.
Cooling contraindications are:
Application to a body surface with compromised blood flow or hypersensitivity to cold (Ischemia, Reynauds
Indications and Contraindications