1K resistor (2)
Brown Black Black Brown Brown
Brown Black Black Orange Brown
100K resistor (2)
Install two more resistors – either 1k (stock Analogman
setup) or 100k. For higher gain, install two 100K resistors.
It’s a great practice to always check your resistors on a multimeter to be sure they
display the correct ohms before installing. In rare cases, a resistor might be labeled
incorrectly or could be an open circuit and you wouldn’t want to find that out post install!
This resistor is for the right side footswitch when the
pedal is face up in normal operating mode.
This resistor is for the left side footswitch when the
pedal is face up in normal operating mode.
The right side
footswitch will
engage this resistor.
The left side
footswitch will
engage this resistor.