Stewart Filmscreen – Luxus
These instructions refer to screens equipped with the IMC control unit only. For screens with the RTS
motor, please refer to the respective RTS motor section (Page 15).
Stewart Filmscreen uses tubular Somfy motors in many of our projection screens. Users may require
adjusting the limit switches at some point in time.
Tool required: 4 mm hex key or 5/32” hex driver. You can also use an electrician’s 1/8
inch flat blade
use an electric drill or powered screwdriver to adjust Somfy motor limit switches as
this will damage the internal timing assembly in the motor. The switches are designed for manual
(by hand) incremental adjustment only.
This is the number one adjustment that users may need to make. A projection screen may require that
the deployed stopping position “white” switch be readjusted from the factory setting.
This adjustment will be made using the “white” limit switch (see Figure 24). It is important to remember
that you cannot reduce the screen’s deployment setting when the screen is currently stopped at its full
“down” setting. You must use the control switch to raise the screen up a foot or so before attempting a
motor limit switch adjustment. If the screen is operated by a screen trigger, you must reduce this “white”
limit switch when the screen is stopped in its fully retracted, “up” position. Turn the “down” motor limit
switch clockwise to reduce top masking settings.
Turning the motor limit switch counterclockwise will increase or extend the screen’s deployed stopping
position. Switches are sensitive. Go slowly and do quarter turns at all times with the 5/32” hex driver to
prevent damage to the motor and to the screen. Do not extend the screen so far that the aluminum
roller tube becomes exposed. There must be at least one full wrap of the screen left on the roller
tube when the screen is resting at its final deployed setting. If you turn this limit switch too much
(clockwise) and the screen is now stopping short of where you want it, simply turn it in the opposite
direction (counterclockwise) and the screen will automatically drop in increments as you rotate the
Please read and understand the following information. Improperly adjusted motor limit
switches can result in irreparable damage to the projection screen or motor and will
void your warranty.