Pre Flight to First Flight
WARNING-DANGER! Do not fly control line
model airplanes near electric power lines.
Instant death can result from contact with, or
flying too close to, electric power lines.
Have an experienced pilot assist you with pre-
flighting your new model. Just like having
someone proof read something you’ve written,
having a second fresh set of eyes to inspect your
final product is often helpful at avoiding disaster.
While not an exhaustive pre-flight check, these
are some of the major items that you should
consider using when developing your own pre-
flight check list. Get in the habit of always pre-
flighting your models before each and every flight.
Weight and Balance -
Refer to the Flight
Control Setup section for balancing your
m o d e l c o r r e c t l y. E n s u r e t h a t t h e
C.G. is in the appropriate
location for your experience level.
Check Weather - RingRat
first flight
and subsequent training flights should be in
zero wind conditions. The
capable of flying in winds up to 10-12 mph so
long as the pilot is capable. Stunting should
not be attempted in winds over 8 mph.
Inspect Airframe
for warps and obvious
signs of wear and damage. Do not fly a
damaged or warped model.
Inspect Control Surfaces
for center, proper
direction of travel, proper throw, secure
pushrod connections, bellcrank bolt (thread
locker applied?), hinges, and control
Inspect Motor
for proper direction of rotation,
secure mounts and propellor. Check wiring,
ESC, and Timer for secure mounting. Set
timer for desired flight time - we recommend
first flights be no more than 1 minute in
Inspect Battery
for full charge. Never begin a
flying session with a partially charged battery.
Pre Flight Cont.
Check Landing Gear
Repair or replace
worn or rotten landing gear retention rubber
band. Check that tires are in good condition.
Clear Area
Ensure that any spectators are
well clear of the flight circle. Have an
assistant handy to keep people back and
warn you of any impending danger.
Clear Prop!
Before applying power to the
model, clear and keep clear of the prop arc.
Electric motors are capable of inflicting severe
injury and may turn on unexpectedly anytime
power is applied to the system (Just ask Bill).
Controls Explained
- Adjust handle and lines
so that when handle is held perpendicular to
ground elevator on model is centered
(neutral). Tilting back on handle should input
up elevator while tilting forward on handle will
net down elevator. If control is reversed
simply invert handle.
Flight training is beyond the scope of this
manual. Please seek assistance from an
experienced control line operator.
Adjust Throttle
- Using a small flat head
screw driver adjust throttle output to suit the
pilot’s skill level and model’s power
requirement for flight.
Go Flying
With the pilot holding the control
handle and an assistant holding the model,
make a final control check to ensure the
elevator is moving in the correct direction for
the input given. Have the assistant start the
timer (which should have previously been set
for the desired flight time) and release the
model downwind. This will enable the model
to gain flying speed and adequate line tension
before reaching the up-wind end of the circle.
Fly just above shoulder high and feel out the
controls. If the lines should become slack
during the flight, a quick step back will return
them to their proper tension.
Setup for Landing -
As the motor cutoff time
nears, return to shoulder high flight. Do not
allow yourself to be caught high and slow
when the motor cuts off! Hold the model off
with a little up elevator and allow it to slow
down. The
will settle gently to
the ground and roll out will be a few feet.
Disconnect the battery until you are ready to
begin another flight.
RingRat 250 © 2010 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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