events. Use this timespace to send parameter changes and try to avoid
excessive parameter changes in passages playing many notes on your synth
stumbling released notes are much more unobtrusive than stumbling pressed
Try to send single events instead of event animations. Slowly turning a SSC pot
generates many many messages. Just moving it a bit generates few data.
Remeber the
'hold lighted button while turning pot to avoid sending data'
It will work better to send Midi Control change messages from your
sequencer/DAW into the SSC (and let the SSC translate them) than recording the
SysEx-output of the SSC into your sequencer/DAW. You not only have better
control inside your DAW over generating and editing the Mididata when using
Midi Control change messages. They also consume fewer bandwith from your
Midibus than SysEx. And the Midistream going from the SSC into your synth is
filtered (no other Midichannels, no Midiclock) and has therefore more
bandwidth for the heavier SysEx data.
Operation Manual 'Stereoping Synth Controller'
V1.2 - 12.2014
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 2014