6. Updating Firmware
There might come up suggestions or issues from users which can make an update of
the firmware necessary. The SSC offers a bootloader mode to update it's firmware by
sending a Midi-SysEx file into the Midi In jack. The most recent firmware files can be
downloaded from our homepage
www.stereoping.com -> Products -> Synth Controller -> Downloads
Your hardware of the SSC is compatible to all other SSC synthesizer editions. If you
own more than one synths supported by the SSC, you can safely dump firmware files
of other editions into it and play around with them. Only one at a time of course. The
internal processor allows you to flash a new firmware about 10.000 times until the
memorycells are starting to die. As it is not likely we will offer more than 10.000 synth
adaptions, you can safely try them all multiple times. If you decide to swap to another
adaption permanently, you can even get a sticker from us to change your editions
frontpanel. (Although it might not be very funny nor easy to get the old sticker off the
Now on to the technical stuff. Your computer should be able to send the firmware
from it's Midi Output to the SSC's Midi Input:
To enter bootloader mode, hold the topmost button while powering on the SSC.
The middle button (in most cases green) will light up
indicating the SSC is awaiting
a SysEx Midi stream. Normally, when powering up, the red button is lighted after a
short welcome flash. You can release the button then of course.
Now send the firmware file into the SSC using a SysEx dump tool of which are several
available as freeware for different operating systems. Configure the SysEx-dump-
Operation Manual 'Stereoping Synth Controller'
V1.2 - 12.2014
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 2014