We spent the SSC a little data translator which offers the possibility to remote control
the parameters on the frontpanel by incoming CC changes. This is what the little
numbers besides the knobs are for. They describe the Midicontroller numbers used to
alter this parameter. It's that simple.
The CC message must be sent on the Midichannel used for the SSC and the targeted
synth. When the SSC detects a CC message with a suitable controller number, it
translates it into the appropriate SysEx message and sends it out to your synth - which
should change the desired parameter immediately.
As the pots themselfes, the translator is also bandwith optimized, meaning that
already sent parameter values won't be sent again until they change the synth
parameters value.
You will have realized, the little Midicontroller numbers start with 11. Simple reason:
CCs 1 to 10 are commonly used to set modulation (Ctr 1), volume (Ctr7), paning
(Ctr 10) or other things and are therefore passed through the SSC unfiltered. By
the way, the controllers above 63 are also passed through.
Example: you own the 'K3' edition for your beloved Kawai K3 and want to automate the Lfo
speed to make your recently finished new composition even more exciting. Having a short
peek on the frontpanel reveils, you just have to send Midicontroller number 18 from your
DAW to the SSC to change the LFO speed in your K3.
Technical info: depending on your synth and it's internal hard- and firmware, the
change of some parameters can be performed in realtime without problems while
your synths plays incoming Midinotes. Other parameters might cause the notes to
Operation Manual 'Stereoping Synth Controller'
V1.2 - 12.2014
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 2014