playing different sounds on different or similar Midichannels at the same time. This
led us to the idea of a simple but interesting
Multi Edit Mode
. It is not a full editor but
a funny and powerful multi instrument performance mode.
You enter SSC's Multi Edit Mode by holding the upper and lower buttons for about 2
seconds. You can leave SSC's Multi Edit Mode by pressing any single button. Please
don't expect the Microwave to jump in it's multi mode when selecting the Multi Edit
Mode on the SSC. The Microwave's multi mode and the SSC's 'Multi Edit Mode' are
intended to be used together but they have be engaged separately on both devices.
After entering this mode, the SSC can adjust
Midi Control change for controller number 7 (Level)
Midi Control change for controller number 1 (Modwheel)
Midi Control change for controller number 2 (Breath)
Midi Control change for controller number 3
for the Midichannels 1 to 4 simultaneously.
The fun with the SSC's multi mode starts after preparing your patch(es) to make heavy
use of the Midicontroller numbers 1 to 3 inside the Microwave's modulationmatrix.
We intentionally have chosen Midi Control Change messages and not the fixed multi
instruments parameters like 'Paning' or 'Transpose'. The latter would have demanded
using large SysEx-messages instead of the smaller Midi Control change messages.
Another benefit of using Midicontroller Numbers is, they can be freely patched in the
Microwaves modulation matrix and make this mode therefore far more flexible.
'Modwheel' and 'Breath' are fixed modulation sources in the Microwave, to use
Midicontroller Number 3, simply assign it to 'Controller W'. Keep in mind: the
Microwave multi mode offers separate settings for the Controllers W, X, Y and Z and
overrides the setting inside the patch.
An example:
initialize a patch
set Modwheel (=Midicontroller 1) as Source for Cutoff Modifier 2
set Breath (=Midicontroller 2) as Source for Resonance Modifier
set 'Controller W' as Modifier for Detune OSSC 1
set SAW as Wave1
save it and make an new multi program with 4 times this patch, assigning the 4
instruments the Midichannels 1-4
set 'Controller W' to 3 inside Microwave's multi mode settings
let your sequencer fire the Microwave with notes on Midichannels 1-4 to let the 4
instruments all play the same pattern or melody
Operation Manual 'Stereoping Synth Controller'
V1.2 - 12.2014
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 2014