blocked by the SSC to optimize Midi-performance)
you got kids or cats (or both) in your studio and want to prevent, they destroy
your soundpatch masterpiece at the moment they see the awesome SSC and
can't stand to fiddle the pots
You can leave Bypass Mode by pressing any of the 3 buttons.
Letter Dial Mode
Some synthesizers offer changing the patchname via sysEx. These editions offer a
'Letter Dial Mode' which you can enter by holding the button combination printed on
the faceplate for about 2 seconds. The corresponding lights will flash to indicate the
mode your SSC is currently in.
In Letter Dial Mode you can use the pots to easily change the patch name. Depending
on the lettercount of the patchname there might be some pots left over doing
nothing. This not only saves you time, it is also funny and inspiring finding crazy
names while cranking the pots around.
The span of available letters normally corresponds to the ASCII character standard.
That means there are nearly 100 different characters to choose from, some
synthesizers from japan even offer additional hiragana or kanji characters. To enhance
precision for hitting the desired letter we clamped the span of a pot dial to the first 64
letters omiting the small characters at the end of the ASCII table. So keep in mind: if
you want to use small letters in your patchname you have to use your synths interface
for fine tuning the patchname. You can leave the Letter Dial Mode by pressing any of
the 3 single buttons.
Multi Edit Mode of the Microwave-edition
Holding the upper and lower buttons on the SSC edition for the Waldorf Microwave
causes the SSC to enter a very cool Microwave specific 'Multi Edit Mode'. Please refer
to Section '7. Synth specific addendum' on how to use this cool mode.
Init patch dump on 1006R-edition
Holding the upper and lower button on the SSC Matrix1000/6/6r edition dumps a
basic initialisation patch into the Matrix 1000's edit buffer. Please refer to Section '7.
Synth specific addendum' for more information.
Operation Manual 'Stereoping Synth Controller'
V1.2 - 12.2014
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 2014