MANUAL NCBM 01 Revision 14 11/06/2021
STEM S.r.l. via della Meccanica, 2 I-27010 Cura Carpignano- Pavia Italia Tel. +39 0382 583011 Fax +39 0382 583058 [email protected]
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Operation as a monitoring system for electric brakes
If the elevator is equipped with electric certified brakes, it’s possible monitoring them checking the safety microswitch
on the brakes at each change of state (open / close). The NCBM controls at each lift travel the status of the microswitch
and if an anomaly is detected triggers the alarm resettable via the manual button.
it s possible to monitor 2,3 or 4 safety switches, the configuration is selectable using the user interface SW.
The device receives the brake command and after a configurable time (default 5 seconds) checks the status of the
microswitch. If the status is not correct the fault signal will be generated and the LED will indicate the possible fault on
the brake.
The microswitch can be:
Normally closed (NC) check the opening of the contact when the brake is activated (coil not energized).
Normally open (NO) check the opening of the contact when the brake is activated (coil not energized).
In this configuration (electric lift) it’s possible to select the polarity of the fault output using configuration SW trough
the parameter
“fault relay polarity”
FNO, in case of alarm FNO, CF is closed
FNC, in case of alarm FNC,CF is closed
3.3 Signalling traction lift
Brakes deactivated
No Alarm
Brakes activated
Brakes deactivated
with alarm
Brakes activated with
OFF (Contact1)
OFF (Contact 1)
ON if contact 1 faulty
ON if contact 1 faulty
OFF (Contact 2)
OFF (Contact 2)
ON if contact 2 faulty
ON if contact 2 faulty
ON blink (brake
ON blink (brake
ON blink (brake
OFF (Contact 3)
OFF (Contact 3)
ON if contact 3 faulty
ON if contact 3 faulty
OFF (Contact 4)
OFF (Contact 4)
ON if contact 4 faulty
ON if contact 4 faulty
Alarm (Off)
Alarm (Off)
Unit blocked, relay fault ON, restore using the reset
TAB. 4 Signaling for traction lift
4 Monitoring system for OSG blocking coils
4.1 Working principle as OSG monitoring
Where it is used the certified speed limiter as an element able to activate the overspeed governor in the event of
uncontrolled movement, it involves the use of an electromagnet which pushes a pivot to lock the wheel of the
mechanical limiter.
The OSG is equipped with a sensor (usually mechanical microswitch or inductive) that allows to detect the position of
the locking pivot activated by the electromagnet coil. This contact can be monitored by NCBM01.
Currently, there are two types of certified overspeed governor:
1. With coil released and activated and each arrival / departure from the floor
2. With coil always activated and released only in the event of uncontrolled movement
The type 1) can be monitored as an electric brake so please refer to section 3.1
The type 2) is described below.