MANUAL NCBM 01 Revision 14 11/06/2021
STEM S.r.l. via della Meccanica, 2 I-27010 Cura Carpignano- Pavia Italia Tel. +39 0382 583011 Fax +39 0382 583058 [email protected]
Subject to change without notice, no responsibility will be taken for every detail. © STEM S.r.l.
14.2 NCBM_COM_APP User interface
Run the executable program NCBM_COM_APP in the folder STEM_NCBM_APP
Select the correct communication port
Perform a read cycle to check the current settings
The mask will be configured according to the data read
Hydraulic user interface Monitor/ no Monitor mask
Lift type=
elevator type ,
with monitoring /without monitoring
Date and Time=
date and time configuration
Test Time=
test hour configuration
Test Frequency=
test frequency: once a day or once per hour
Test Duration=
test time duration
Valve sequence=
setting phase shift valves, V1 open before and close after V2 or viceversa
Down closing valve delay=
Advance opening time of the additional valve (to be set 0, in case of
simultaneous opening)
Down closing valve delay=
dalayed closing time of the additional (to be set 0, in case of simultaneous
Up Opening Valve delay=
valves opening time during the upward travel, if you select "always on" valves
shall be open continually during the upward travel
Led Functionality=
led option according to table 2
Active Error=
errors active
Firmware version=
firmware version