Set baud rate
Allows the baud rate to be set in nominal units between 1 and 6
1 = 600
2 = 1200
3 = 2400
4 = 4800
5 = 9600
6 = 19200
(see section 6.3.4 for details of passing parameters).
Go to local
A simple command message that places the amplifier into the local mode,
allowing control via the ‘user interface’ discrete control lines. Data requests
via the serial communications interface will continue to be serviced in the
local mode, however commands other than ‘remote enable’ will be rejected
as non-executable (see section 6.3.1 for details of message format).
Remote enable
A simple command message that places the amplifier into the remote mode,
allowing control via the serial communications interface. When in the remote
mode, the standby and transmit ‘user interface’ discrete control inputs are
disabled; all other control inputs and monitor outputs remain active.
6.1.13 RF band selection
Multi-band amplifiers usually require changes to operating parameters to optimise RF performance at
different frequency bands. These parameter changes are made automatically by using the following
command messages.
Select RF band
This command message is only available for multi-band amplifiers and should
be used with the amplifier in the off mode. The command allows selection of
the RF band as follows (see section 6.3.4 for details of passing parameters):
0 C-band
1 X-band
2 Ku-band
3 DBS-band
The band selection is limited to the RF bands supported by the amplifier.
RF band selection?
This command message, requesting data, is only available for multi-band
amplifiers and results in a response showing the currently selected RF band,
as follows (see section 6.3.2 for details of command and response format):
001 X-band
002 Ku-band
003 DBS-band
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