Set the Pulse Output Form
The MPG-2 has two output forms, the 3-Wire (Form C) Toggle mode or the 2-Wire (Form A) fixed mode. Set the Toggle
mode by selecting C or the A in the Output Form field from the pull-down menu. The toggle mode is the classic pulse
output mode that emulates the standard KYZ 3-Wire electric meter output. It toggles back and forth, to the opposite state,
each time a "pulse" is generated by the MPG-2. Even though there are three wires, it is common to use K and Y, or K and
Z, for many two-wire systems that require or desire a generally symetrical 50/50 duty cycle pulse. The toggle mode is used
for systems that are doing demand control and need regularly spaced "symmetrical" pulses. The 3-Wire pulse value must
be doubled if your pulse receiving device uses only two wires and is only counting the closure as a pulse(not the
subsequent contact opening also). Red and Green Output LEDs show the output status. See additional information on
Page 11.
In the Form A (fixed) mode, only the K-Y output is used. This is the standard 2-Wire system where the output contact is
normally-open until such time as a pulse is generated. When a pulse is generated, the contact is closed for a selected
fixed time interval(dwell) in milliseconds. Form A mode is generally associated with Energy measuring systems that are
only counting kwh or some other volumetric unit but are not concerned about how or at what rate the energy is consumed
For Form C (Toggle) Mode:
Select C and <Send> to set the Output Form field to the Toggle (Form C) Mode. The serial link to the MPG-2 will return:
For Form A (Fixed) Mode:
Select A and <Send> to set the Output Form field to the Fixed (Form A) Mode. The serial link to the MPG-2 will return:
Set the Form A Pulse Width Time
If you are using the MPG-2 in the Form A Mode, set the output closure time or pulse width using the Form A Width field,
selectable 25 to 1000 mS (1 second) in 6 possible pulse widths. Upon a pulse being generated, the K-Y terminals of each
contact will close for the selected pulse width and light the RED LED only. This setting applies only to the Form A output
mode, and does not affect the toggle output mode. Use the Form A Width field pull-down menu to select the Output Pulse
Width to 200 mS, for example. Press "Send". The serial link to the MPG-2 will return:
Full Default Settings Reset
If you find that you want to reset all parameters of the MPG-2 back to the factory defaults, pull down the File dropdown
menu and select
Reset Factory Defaults
. The following parameters will default back to the factory settings as follows:
Pulse Value: 10
Reset Time: 120 seconds
Note that this resets the non-volatile memory of the MPG-2's processor only. It does not reset the memory in the dongle.
Viewing the Firmware Version
The MPG-2's firmware version is displayed in the upper left-hand corner of the SSI-UP software and shows:
You are connected to a: MPG-2 V2.19
MPG-2 Programming