Selection of piling class
In most projects, the piling class can be either PTL2
or PTL3. In consequence class CC3 projects related to
geotechnical classes GL2 and GL3, piling class PTL3 is
always required.
Piling class PTL2 is recommended for 1 & 2 family house
projects to ensure correct pile loads and geotechnical
resistance. PTL3 may be applicable to these projects if
the soil conditions are exceptional and/or the number
of piles is large (a project involving several 1 & 2 family
PTL3 should be considered with RR and RRs piles, when
the number of piles is at least moderate and it is desired
to minimise the environmental impacts of the piling. Then,
the number of piles can be reduced due to the higher
design value of pile strength by a maximum of 15 to 20%
compared to PTL2. With large diameter piles, load-
bearing capacity must always be ensured by dynamic load
tests. In their case it is often recommendable to choose
piling class PTL3 to optimise the structures.
With RD piles, the lowest piling class allowed by
the consequence class and geotechnical class is
Considering installation equipment in design and
selection of pile size
RR/RRs piles can be installed using light basic equipment
(<20 to 25 t) up to a pile size of about RR170, and
RD/ RDs piles up to about RD270 to RD320. Light
basic equipment allows using essentially thinner piling
platforms, especially in very soft subsoils, compared to
heavy (>40 to 60 t) piling equipment. The environmental
impacts of light installation equipment (mainly vibration)
also remain low.
5.1 Limit states of pile foundations to be considered
The limit states specified in PO-2016, Sec. 4.1, should be
considered in the design of a pile foundation, considering
the properties of the site.
5.2 Design process of a steel pile foundation
At conventional sites, where the piles are mainly subject
to axial loading, the design of a steel pile foundation
1) Selection of pile type suitable for the site:
• soil conditions; pile drivability/installability and
functioning of the pile foundation
• loads from the superstructure and actions due to
ground displacement
• structures and conditions in the piling area and its
2) Selection of piling class PTL1 to 3 based on
geotechnical class (GL1 to 3) and consequence
class (CC1 to 3)
3) Determination of the geotechnical resistance of piles
according to Sec. 5.5
• with RR75 to RR320 end-bearing piles, apply Table
22, end-of-driving instructions, and with PTL3 also
dynamic load tests
• with RD piles, geotechnical resistance is usually not
a dimensioning factor
• RR large diameter piles, dynamic load tests
• stiffness of structure (non-stiff or stiff structure)
4) Determination of the design value
of structural
resistance of piles according to Sec. 5.7
• determination of corrosion allowance
• RR75 to RR320 and RD90 to RD320 normal cases,
Tables 22 and 23
• dimensioning program for RR and RD piles
• end-of-driving instructions (Sec. 11) are observed
with driven piles to ensure that impact stresses stay
within allowed limits
• the structural resistance of rock shoes for RR270 to
RR1200 piles (Tables 4 and 7) may determine the
maximum impact and structural resistance
5) Determining the design value for resistance
to an action
• the design value of resistance
is the smaller of
and structural resistance
6) Calculation of pile foundation displacements,
if necessary (Sec. 5.8)
• vertical displacement of an individual pile and
displacements of pile groups
7) Assessment of and preparation for environmental
impacts of piling
• assessment of vibration, soil displacement, increase
in pore water pressure and compaction of subsoil
due to piling
• preparation for environmental impacts
- selection of pile type
- piling sequence
- monitoring measurements
- special measures