Damper Service
2 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
D a m p e r S e r v i c e
Clamp the rebound seal head into a vise with flat aluminum soft jaw
Wrap a shop towel around the cartridge tube under the top cap to
absorb oil.
Wrap the rubber strap from a strap wrench around the cartridge tube
below the shop towel.
Apply opposing pressure with the strap wrench and unthread the top
cap from the tube.
The cartridge tube and rubber strap must be dry and free of oil to
provide enough grip to unthread the top cap. If the rubber strap slips,
clean and dry the tube and strap.
Vise with Flat Aluminum Soft Jaws
Strap Wrench
Top Cap / Cassette Tool
Top Cap / Cassette Tool