Important Information
2016-2017 SR Research Ltd.
modification, or improper use could affect other sensitive equipment nearby,
resulting in harm to patients.
The EyeLink Portable Duo eye tracker has been found suitable for:
Most medical environments, including hospitals and doctor’s offices.
Commercial or residential environments.
It is not suitable for:
Use near sources of interference like electro-surgery or other RF sources
Use near strong RF transmitters
Use in shielded areas with sensitive equipment.
6.4.2 Sources of Interference and Degraded Performance
This equipment was tested for its ability to function in the presence of
interference (through power sources or RF fields). Under certain conditions,
however, it may show some degradation of performance (e.g., noise in camera
image). In addition, certain other equipment in a medical system (such as
displays or Host PC) could temporarily malfunction in an unacceptable manner.
It is up to the operator of the equipment to determine when performance is
unacceptable. The symptoms (caused by the eye tracker, Host PC, display, or
other devices) may include:
Noisy eye position data
Intermittent or total loss of eye tracking
Visible patterns or changes in brightness of the images
Loss of USB connection to Host PC
Freezing or crashing of Host PC and software
If these occur, especially if synchronized with use of other devices in or near the
room (such as electro-surgery equipment, cell phones, or other RF devices),
electromagnetic effects may be to blame. Careful troubleshooting and
correlation of times of the interference is the best method for finding the source
of the issue.
6.4.3 Preserving Electromagnetic Compatibility
The EyeLink Portable Duo eye tracker was designed to meet all electromagnetic
compatibility requirements, both immunity to interference and to avoid
producing interference to other devices. To maintain this, ensure the following
rules are met:
Do not remove any ferrites on cables.
Do not change or extend any cables.
Do not operate equipment with covers off or enclosures open.