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Dyaco Canada Inc. 2014
Dot Matrix Center Display
Twenty columns of boxes (8 high) indicate each segment of a workout. The boxes only
show an approximate level (resistance) of effort. They do not necessarily indicate a
specific value - only an approximate percent to compare levels of intensity. In Manual
Operation the resistance dot matrix window will build a profile “picture” as values are
changed during a workout.
The resistance profiles will display half of the program at one time (9 columns).They will
both scroll right to left. The Lap track will move in a counterclockwise direction.
1/4 Mile (0.4 Km) Track
The 1/4-mile (0.4 km) track (one lap) will be displayed around the dot matrix window. The
flashing segment indicates your progress. Once the 1/4-mile (Metric - 0.4k) is complete
this feature will begin again. There is a lap counter in the message window for monitoring
your distance.
Pulse Grip Feature
The Pulse (Hear t Rate) console window will display your current hear t rate in beats per
minute during the workout. You must use both stainless steel sensors on the front cross
bar or the hear t rate transmitter chest strap to display your pulse. Pulse value displays
anytime the upper display is receiving a Pulse signal. You may not use the Grip Pulse
feature while in Hear t Rate Programs.
Note: Refer to Important Safety Instructions (page 4)
concerning Pulse Grip operation.
Calorie Display
Displays the cumulative calories burned at any given time during your workout.
Note: This is only a rough guide used for comparison of different exercise sessions, which cannot be used
for medical purposes.
The console has built-in Speakers. You may plug an Audio Source (CD player, MP3,
Computer, etc.) into the Jack on the right side of console. There is no volume control on
the console. The volume must be controlled on the Audio Source.