118044-001 REV E
Mode, the power supply will respond to S and
Q or V commands. In this mode, controlled parameters
can be changed only via the S command from the
computer. The front panel pots will be inoperative,
although the front panel indicators and switches will
continue to function.
8.4 Error Responses (E) and Illegal
Error responses are messages sent back to the computer in
response to a communication error detected on receipt of
an S, Q or V command or an illegal setting in an S
command. The 5 byte error response packet takes the
following form:
E 1 byte error code 2 byte checksum <CR>.
The checksum is only calculated on the 1 byte error code.
For example, for error 6, the error byte will be transmitted
as 36 hex. The checksum of 36 hex is 36 hex which is
transmitted in ASCII as two bytes containing 33 and 36 to
represent the 3 digit and 6 digit, respectively.
Error codes are:
1. Local Mode Error
– a Set command was attempted
while the power supply was set to Local Mode. A
command will only be executed when the Power Supply
is set to the Remote Mode. The error packet that will be
returned to the computer will be:
Characters sent:
E 1 3 1 <CR>
Sent in ASCII coded hexadecimal:
45 31 33 31 0D
Since the checksum of 31 hex is 31 hex which is
transmitted in ASCII as two bytes containing 33 and 31.
2. Undefined Command Code
– the command character
received was not an S, Q or V. The power supply will
send back this error message if the second character of the
received command packet is not an S, Q or V. The error
packet that will be returned to the computer will be:
Characters sent:
E 2 3 2 <CR>
Sent in ASCII coded hexadecimal:
45 33 33 32 0D
3. Checksum Error
– the transmitted checksum received
in the command packet did not match the checksum
calculated on the received bytes. The error packet that
will be returned to the computer will be:
Characters sent:
E 3 3 3 <CR>
Sent in ASCII coded hexadecimal:
45 33 33 33 0D
4. Extra Byte(s) Received
– a byte other than the
carriage return character was received in the last expected
byte position of the command. The error packet that will
be returned to the computer will be:
Characters sent:
E 4 3 4 <CR>
Sent in ASCII coded hexadecimal:
45 34 33 34 0D
5. Illegal Digital Control Byte in Set Command
– only
one of the following two conditions can be set in the
digital control byte of the Set command at any one time:
X-ray On
X-ray Off and Reset
If the computer requests that the power supply set more
than one of the above conditions simultaneously, error 5
will be generated. The error packet that will be returned
to the computer will be:
Characters sent:
E 5 3 5 <CR>
Sent in ASCII coded hexadecimal:
45 35 33 35 0D
6. Illegal Set Command Received While a Fault is
– if a fault is active at the time a
command is
received, the command muse assert the X-ray Off / Reset
command. If the computer attempts to turn X-rays On, or
to change only the analog control signals while the fault is
active, the command will be rejected and error 6 will be
generated. The error packet that will be returned to the
computer will be:
Characters sent:
E 6 3 6 <CR>
Sent in ASCII coded hexadecimal:
45 36 33 36 0D