118044-001 REV E
Note that the analog monitors have 10 bit resolution,
therefore, full scale is represented in hexadecimal as 3FF.
The checksum is calculated of bytes 2 through 13.
The eight digital monitor status bits are sent as ASCII
characters. The bit assignments are:
Byte 11:
Bit 0
Arc Fault (1 = fault)
Bit 1
Regulation Error Fault (1 = fault)
Bit 2
Over Temperature (1 = fault)
Bit 3
Interlock Status Indicator (0 = closed)
Byte 12:
Bit 0
Cooling Fault (1 = fault)
Bit 1
Overcurrent Fault (1 = fault)
Bit 3
Overvoltage Fault (1 = fault)
Byte 13:
Bit 0
Local/Remote Mode Indicator
Fault (1 = fault)
For example, a monitored voltage of 60kV will
correspond to 3FF hex, sent with ASCII encoding as
Byte 2: 33 hex
Byte 3: 46 hex
Byte 4 46 hex
If X-rays were On, there was an Overvoltage fault and we
were in Remote Mode, the digital status bytes will be:
Byte 11: 33 hex (0000 binary = 0 hex)
Byte 12: 38 hex (1000 binary = 8 hex)
Byte 13 31 hex (0001 binary = 1 hex)
8.2.4 Software Version Request (“V”)
command and Response (“B”)
The 5 byte command to request the software revision
level of the power supply’s data interface is the “V”
The Version command is valid in both
Local and Remote modes.
The protocol for the V command will be as follows:
The power supply will receive a V command requesting
information. If the command is properly received with no
errors detected, the power supply will return the 6 byte
Version Response (B) packet back to the computer. If
errors are detected in the V command, the power supply
will return an appropriate error message.
The format of the V command is:
SOH V Check 1 Check 2 <CR>
Entered at the keyboard:
Ctrl- A V 6 Enter
Sent in ASCII coded hexadecimal:
01 56 35 36 0D
where the checksum, which does not include the SOH
character, will be hex 56, transmitted in two ASCII bytes
representing 5 and 6.
The format of the 6 byte Respense Packet (B) will be:
B 2 byte revision level 2 byte checksum <CR>
For example, if a V command was properly received by a
data interface with software revision level 25, the
following packet will be returned kto the computer:
B 2 2 byte Checksum <CR>
Sent in ASCII coded hexadecimal:
42 32 35 36 37 0D
Since the checksum of 32 hex + 35 hex is 67 hex which is
transmitted on ASCII as two bytes containing 36 and 37
8.3 Local / Remote Communication
A rear panel switch of the power supply will determine
whether the power supply will be controlled locally (from
the power supply’s front panel) or remotely (from the
Customer computer via the data link).
In Local Mode, the power supply will be controlled only
via its own front panel. If the Customer computer
attempts to change any of the controlled parameters using
a Set command the data interface will ignore the
command and return an error message (Error 1) back to
the computer.
Mode, the data interface will, however, respond
to either a Query (Q) or Version (V) request command by
returning the requested information in a Query Response
(R) or a Version Response (B) status packet.