Each input channel has a stereo level control, pan/balance,
8 group assign, and Stereo Mix assign. 4 aux sends (2
variable sends selectable from 4 aux busses), Aux pre/post
select, stereo aux select for true stereo effects send, In-
place Solo, and presence of signal LED. The rear panel of
the X6 includes left and right active-balanced
inputs with gain select, and active-balanced left & right
direct outputs on
” TRS jacks. The stereo direct outs are
factory configured to follow the level and pan control, but
may set to pre-pan. Together with the 8 groups, the
pannable stereo directs give the X6 a lot of recording
1. Stereo Level Control
- This small inner knob is a dual
rotary potentiometer that simultaneously and equally
adjusts both the left and right input channel levels.
The 0dB mark on the level control is the "unity gain"
setting. There is 12dB more gain available past the "0dB"
2. Group Assign
- The two assign pushbutton switches, in
conjunction with the Pan/Balance Control, allows an input
channel to be assigned to any 4 subgroup pairs. A yellow
LED on this switch illuminates if either group assign switch
is pressed.
3. Assign Changeover Switch
- In the up position, the two group Assign Switches [#2] will
select groups 1-2 and 3-4. When pressed, the two group Assign Switches will select groups
5-6 and 7-8.
4. Mix Assign
- The Mix Assign switch, in conjunction with the Pan/Balance control, allows
an input channel to be mixed to the main left/right output. A yellow LED on this switch
illuminates indicating that the Mix Assign has been enabled.
5. Pan/Balance Control
-The larger outer knob, in conjunction with the group assign
switches and mix assign switch, allows the input channel to be assigned to any the 4 sub-
group pairs or stereo mix respectively. When a stereo source is connected to an input
channel, this control acts as a left/right “balance” control. If a mono signal is plugged into
the Left (mono) input jack, then this control acts as a traditional assign “pan” for the
selected group assign switch and mix assign.