4.2.3 I/M Readiness
I/M refers to Inspection and Maintenance that is legislated by the Government to meet
federal clean-air standards. I/M Readiness indicates if or not the various emissions-related
systems on the vehicle operating properly and ready for I/M testing.
The purpose of the I/M Readiness Monitor Status is to indicate which of the vehicle
described in Chapter 2.5), and which ones have not yet run and completed testing and
diagnosis of their designated sections of the vehicle system.
The I/M Readiness Monitor Status function also can be used (after repair of a fault has
been performed) to confirm that the repair has been performed correctly, and/or to check
for Monitor Run Status. Select [I/M Readiness] and press [ENTER], the screen will display
the interface as shown below:
You can use [UP] or [DOWN] button to select and press [ENTER], the screen will display
the interface as shown below:
You can use [LEFT] [RIGHT] button to view other data of vehicle. Press [ESC] to return to
Diagnostic Menu. N/A means not available on this vehicle, INC means incomplete or not
ready, OK means Completed or Monitor OK.