S660N GNSS Network RTK Receiver
.2. How to connect with EGSTAR
In this section we will teach you how to connect S660N with the latest version of EGStar. First of all, establish an
ISP connection on controller and make sure that the controller is able to access to internet successfully.
1) Run EGStar program on controller. The following screenshot is the main interface of latest version of EGstar.
2) Create a new job and setup local coordinate system for current project.
3) Enter
Config/ Bluetooth Manager
interface. Click on Search button to search the surrounding Bluetooth
devices and pick a correct serial number of S660N
, then click on Connect to establish the Bluetooth connection
with S660N. As shown on following figures.
4) Go to
Config/Mobile difference
interface, then click on Open mobile differential mode to activate this
function, move to Cellphone differential mode setting and go into parameter configuration interface.