S660N GNSS Network RTK Receiver
How to achieve the WIFI functions
Equipped with the most advanced WIFI module, this technology help S660N receiver not only can work as a WIFI
broadcaster that allows users to connect it and access to the web UI management of S660N, but also can work as a
datalink that makes S660N have a quick and stable connection to internet for corrections from CORS network.
In this chapter, you will learn more about how to achieve these both WIFI function on S660N.
5.1. WIFI Hotspot (AP)
The WIFI hotspot means S660N receiver is able to broadcast its own WIFI hotspot with the integrated WIFI
module, therefore, most of the mobile terminal can connect with this hotspot and access to the internal web UI page
of S660N, then users are able to do a lot of operation on this web UI page, such as configure working mode,
register, upgrade firmware, download raw data and the other additional functions.
Switch on S660N receiver in normal way, the WIFI hotspot is default to be broadcasted, and the SSID of the WIFI
hotspot displays as SOUTH_xxxx (xxxx is the last 4 characters number of SN), then use tablet PC, smartphone or
laptop to search this WIFI SSID.
1, Using laptop
Search the WIFI SSID with a laptop, then click on Connect button to establish connection between laptop and
S660N receiver, the password is not necessary on establishing the WIFI connection. But if there is necessary, define
a password for this connection after login to the web UI page, then it will ask you to input the password you
defined before every time you connect the WIFI hotspot.
After the connection is established, then run IE browser on laptop and type the IP address into address bar,
the login dialog will appear and requires the login info.