S660N GNSS Network RTK Receiver
Data Download
This page provides the data files to download
Choose the storage where the static data recorded, and file type, then click on the blank of Select Date to choose
date the data was recorded and click Get Data button, all the files recorde
d in that date you choose will
show in the table, tap download button to download the data files.
4.2.5. Data Transfer
This performance contains General, Serial Port Config, TCP/IP Config, NTRIP Config and Data Flow Config. The
Data Transfer allows to configure the output mode for raw observation data and differential data, as well as to the
NTRIP performance configuration.
This page shows the service condition and the output contents of the ports, if the port items display in green, that
means the port is available for use, and on the contrary, if the port is not used while the items display in red.