Special functions
The settings necessary for the optional room controller RC21 are made in this menu.
The 3 modes “continous day”, “continous night” and “Time controlled/automatic” can
be switched at the RC21.
Additionally the reference temperature of the
ow can be parallel translated by turning
the control wheel. If the wheel is set to minimum, only the minum values that can be
set in the protective functions menu will be used.
8.6 Room controller
Room controller
This value is used to appoint the amount of in
uence in percent the room tempera-
ture has on the reference
ow temperature. For every degree of deviation of the room
temperature from the reference room temperature the percentage of the calculated
ow temperature set here is added to or, respectively, subtracted from the
ow temperature. As long as it is within the limits of the min. and max.
temperatures that can be set in the protective functions.
Example: Reference roomtemp.: e.g. 25 °C ; room temp.: e.g. 20 °C = 5 °C deviation.
calculated reference temp..: e.g. 40 °C : room controller: 10 % = 4 °C
5 X 4 °C = 20 °C According to this 20 °C are added to the reference
ow temperature,
resulting in 60 °C. If the value is higher than the one set in max.
ow temp-, the resul-
ting temperature is only the one set in max.
ow temp.
Settings range: 0 % to 20 % / Default: 0
8.6.2 Room reference day
The desired room temperature for day mode. As long as this temperature is not
reached, the reference
ow temperature is raised or respectiveley lowered according
to the percent setting in “room controller”. If “room controller” is set to 0%, this function
is deactivated.
Settings range: 10 °C to 30 °C / Default: 20 °C
8.6.3 Room reference night
The desired room temperature for night mode. As long as this temperature is not
reached, the reference
ow temperature is raised or respectiveley lowered according
to the percent setting in “room controller”. If “room controller” is set to 0%, this function
is deactivated.
Settings range: 10 °C to 30 °C / Default: 20 °C
In the operating modes “Reference value” and 14day ref.” the remote
adjuster is without function.