The characteristic curve is used to control the heat dissipation of the heating circuit
relative to the outdoor temperature.
The demand for heat is different due to differences in the type of building/insulation/
type of heating/outdoor temperature. For this reason the controller can make use of a
normal straight curve (Setting simple) or a split curve (Setting split).
In the simple setting the curve can be adjusted with the help of the graphic diagram.
The slope is changed, and the calculated reference
ow temperature is displayed for
-12 °C.
If the split mode is selected, the characteristic curve is adjusted in 3 steps. First the
standard slope has to be set, after that the split point and
nally the steepness of the
curve after the split. While adjusting the curve the steepness of the slope and the cal-
culated reference
ow temperature for -12 °C outdoor temperature is displayed.
Settings range:
Characteristic curve : simple or split / Default: simple
Slope : 0.0...3.0 / Default: 0.8
Splitpoint at outdoor temp.: +10°C...-10°C
Angle: differs, depends on steepness and split point
Settings Heating circuit
5.3 Curve
The diagram shows the in
uence of the
selected characteristic curve steepness
(standard curve) on the calculated re-
ow temperature of the heating
circuit. The correct curve is appointed by
setting the intersection point of the calcu-
lated maximum
ow temperature and the
minimum outdoor temperature.
Maximum calculated
ow temperature
60°C at minimum outdoor temperature ac-
cording to heat demand calculation -12°C.
The intersection results in a slope of 1.2.