Protective functions
For safety, the customer must provide an additional limiting thermostat-
which is connected to the pumps in series.
During the anti-Legionella function the storage tank is heated up to high
temperatures which can lead to scalding and damage to the system.
The AL function is switched off by default.
After the hot water part has been heated, date and time are shown in
the menu „7.5.4 AL Heat“.
This anti-Legionella function does not provide complete protection
against Legionella, because the controller is dependent on suf
energy being fed in, and it is not possible to monitor the temperatures in
the entire range of the storage tanks and the connected piping system.
To provide complete protection against Legionella bacteria, it must be
ensured that the temperature is raised to the necessary temperature,
and at the same time there must be water circulation in the storage tank
and piping system by means of other additional energy sources and
control units.
This is used as the upper limit for the reference
ow temperature of the heat circuit.
Should the heat circuit temperature exceed this value, the heat circuit is switched off
until the temperature drops below.
Settings range: 30 °C to 105 °C / Default: 45 °C
When the anti legionella function is active, the domestic hot water part at sensor S3
can be heated up to a speci
c temperature, provided that the energy is suf
AL function - Settings range: On, Off / Default: Off
AL Tset - Settings range: 60 °C to 80 °C / Default: 70 °C
AL residence time settings range: 1 to 120°C / Default: 60°C
AL heat: The last time the AL function completed successfully.
Times settings range: 0 - 24, Monday to Sunday / Default: 3-5 o‘clock
7.4 max.
7.5 Anti legionella
To prevent unnecessary cool down of the system, the heating circuit is switched off
when the buffer temperature drops below reference temperature.
Settings range: On, Off / Default: Off
7.6 Discharge