GmbH D Hennigsdorf
Version 2.0 (Stand: 28.06.2001 ) tl 02.02. / rev. 0103
Seite 7 von 45
1.5. The device identification sign
The device identification sign on the rear side of the QUISI is structured as follows:
safety notes:
This character means: The device is classified as type BF.
BF means electrical medical instrument with ground-free section.
This character means:
Attention, consider enclosed documents!
Read the operating instructions and the enclosed documents as well.
Only charge QUISI
with the provided power pack!!! Type: QUISI power pack MPG
serial number:
The serial number is structured as follows:
The first 4 digits
show the date of production (1. and 2.: year, 3. and 4. place: month); e.g.
0101 means: manufactured in January 2001.
The next 4
digits show the serial number of the device, e.g. 0637 means: device number 637.
The last 2 digits indicate the hardware version of QUISI, e.g. 1v means: Hardware version 1.
The serial number 9905-1126-1v means:
manufactured in may 1999
device number 1126 and
hardware version 1.
note to CE-certification
number of the certifying institute
serial number
designation of the device
adress of the manufacturer
safety notes