Subject to changes | © 2017 SOLARWATT GmbH | AZ-TM-PME-0767 | Rev 008 | Version: 01/2017
Page 32
Konfi guration EnergyManager
Vorbereitung und Planung
Installation of battery modules
Install the required number of battery packs (according
to the expansion level of MyReserve) in the base housing
and -if necessary- in the MyReserve Extension housing.
The following fi gure shows you exactly which slot (orange
marked) is to be used for the battery modules for each
MyReserve confi guration. The white-marked slots remain
not used. If two battery modules are mounted one on top
of the other, it is recommended to fi rst insert the lower
and then the upper module into the slot.
Tip: For the upper battery module, hold the installing tool
from below.
MyReserve (2,2 kWh)
Leveling mark
Ground cable
Lift the battery module with the assembly aid into the up-
per four recesses of the housing. Use the leveling mark
as a guide when fi tting the battery. When you have fi t the
battery module in the recess, let it slide down until the
mechanical stop is reached. The leveling mark is now abo-
ve the battery module.
There is a ground cable on the terminal strip. Connect it to
the battery module. The fastening point is located to the
left on the battery modules (M6 female thread).