UPS for 208 Vac Grid, B120US Installation Guide, doc. rel. 3.0
Check DC voltage
28. Turn on the battery circuit breakers and wait for the dc realys to connect the rectifer to the
battery. If the battery voltage is low verify that the battery is charging and wait until the battery
reaches its floating voltage. Check the battery voltage menu on the LCD screen (”Main > Status
> Battery”).
There are two values to check: “Voltage positive” and “Voltage negative”.
The value of each of these fields should be 216 Vdc ±3 %.
Not OK
(record value) ____________ V
Check BYPASS values
29. Use an external multimeter and record the following measurements
30. BYPASS phase-to-neutral voltages (should be 120 V, +10 %, -15 %).
L1 – N _______ L2 – N _______ L3 – N ________
31. BYPASS phase-to-ground voltages (should be 120 V, +10 %, -15 %).
L1 – Gnd _______ L2 – Gnd _______ L3 – Gnd ________
32. Measure neutral-to-ground voltage. Should be no greater than 2 Vac.
Not OK
(record value) ____________ V
33. Go to “Main > Status > STSW > Detail1”.
Verify that “Bypass phase sequence” field says “Correct”.
34. For each BYPASS phase, use the mesurments taken in 30-32 and use the following formula to
compute the acceptable phase-to-ground voltage range.
(Voltage between L and N) + (voltage between N and Gnd) = (voltage between L and G)
If the voltage difference is greater than 2 Vac and you are using an input transformer, your
ground line may be floating. Check your input transformer.
Check AC INPUT values
35. AC INPUT phase-to-neutral voltages (should be 120 V, +10 %, -15 %).
L1 – N _______ L2 – N _______ L3 – N ________
36. Ac input phase-to-ground voltages (should be 120 V, +10 %, -15 %).
L1 – Gnd _______ L2 – Gnd _______ L3 – Gnd ________
37. For each INPUT phase, use the mesurments taken in 35-36 and 32, use the following formula to
compute the acceptable phase-to-ground voltage range. The voltage difference should be no
greater than 2 Vac.
(Voltage between L and N) + (voltage between N and Gnd) = (voltage between L and G)
Not OK
(record value) ____________ V