June 2020
Solar Stik
, Inc.
24VDC PRO-Verter 5000-120 AGS Operator Manual
PRO-Verter Battery Monitoring Kit (BMK) Statuses
A BMK status message may be an operational or fault message. Access the METER: 05A BMK
Status menu to view the BMK’s current operating status. The status is important when determining if
the BMK is working correctly or for troubleshooting a BMK installation.
BMK Ready
The BMK is correctly communicating with the inverter/charger.
No Comm
The BMK is not communicating with the inverter/user interface.
The following “SOC” statuses indicate the battery’s current state of charge (SOC). Access the
METER: 05B Battery SOC menu to view the BMK’s current SOC status.
When the BMK sense module is first connected, the batteries need to be fully charged (i.e., SOC =
100%) to establish a SOC reference point. The BMK sense module is disconnected from power and
the batteries require a full charge before the user interface display begins providing SOC percentage
The batteries are fully charged; the display has changed from “Think’n” to “100%” and is ready to
provide accurate SOC percentage values.
PRO-Verter BMK Operational Status Messages