June 2020
Solar Stik
, Inc.
24VDC PRO-Verter 5000-120 AGS Operator Manual
AGS Start Statuses Table (Meter 04)
The following “Start” statuses identify the condition that autostarted the generator. The list below
includes all possible statuses
If the autostart condition occurred sooner than expected, or it was not
the intended autostart condition, refer to step 2 of System Initialization and Calibration in the Solar
Stik System Setup and Operation Manual to change (or disable) the autostart setting.
The PRO-Verter for this system has been set at the factory to start the generator based
on the DC bus (Li Expander Pak) voltage. For this reason, “Start VDC” will be the only status
reported by the PRO-Verter in this System. The Statuses in the gray box would appear only if the
PRO-Verter were programmed differently. They are shown only as a reference.
Start Amp
– Generator has autostarted based on the SETUP: 04C Gen Run Amps setting.
Start Exercise
– Generator has autostarted based on the SETUP: 04H Gen Exercise setting.
Start SOC
– Generator has autostarted based on the SETUP: 04D Gen Run SOC setting.
Start Temp
–The AGS is in Test mode. Test mode may be started from the TEST button located on
the AGS.
Start Test
– The AGS is in Test mode. Test mode may be started from the TEST button located on
the AGS.
Start Time
- Generator has autostarted based on the SETUP: 04G Quiet Time Topoff setting
Start Topoff
– Generator has autostarted based on the SETUP: 04G Quiet Time Topoff setting.
Start 100% SOC
– Generator has autostarted based on the SETUP: 04K Gen 100% SOC Start
Days setting.
Start VDC
– Generator has autostarted based on the SETUP: 04A Gen Run VDC setting.