Moving The Platform
Machines with Hydraulic Controls
The engine should already be running (as
described earlier in this chapter), before you start
this section.
DO NOT operate near energized electrical
conductors. Maintain the (M.S.A.D.),
Minimum Safe Approach Distance to
energized power lines. See the "Electrical
Hazard" section, in this manual for a
complete explanation of the hazards
c o n c e r n i n g e l e c t ri c i t y . M a i n ta i n t h e
clearances shown on the decal attached to
the platform.
Be certain that the space into which you are
about to move the platform, boom, turntable,
and/or chassis is free of obstructions.
ALWAYS look in the direction of movement.
When you operate from the platform control
box, be sure that the lanyard of your fall
restraint is attached to an anchor point on
the platform mount. Also, be sure that
platform gate is closed behind you.
From ground control box
Each of the plat form move ment con trol le vers is
shown in the fol low ing pho to graph.
Figure 10.18 - Movement Control, Ground
Control Box
All le ver move ment is ver ti cal. These plat form mov -
ing le vers, (
), will pro duce the fol low -
ing move ment.
Slew lever:
Moving this lever UP causes the
column/boom/platform assembly to rotate to
the right, whilst pressing the lever DOWN
causes the column/boom/platform assembly
to rotate to the left.
Lower boom lever:
Moving this lever UP will
raise the lower boom, whilst pressing it
DOWN will cause the lower boom to
Upper boom lever:
Moving this lever UP will
raise the upper boom, whilst pressing it
DOWN will cause the upper boom to
From platform control box
When you operate from the platform control
box, be sure that the lanyard of your fall
restraint is attached to an anchor point on
the platform mount.
Each of the plat form move ment switches is shown
in the fol low ing pho to graph.
Figure 10.19 - Movement Control, Platform
Control Box
All le ver move ment is ver ti cal. These plat form mov -
ing le vers, (
), will pro duce the fol low -
ing move ment.
Slew lever:
Pressing this lever up causes
the column/boom/platform assembly to rotate
to the right, whilst pressing the lever down
causes the column/boom/platform assembly
to rotate to the left.
Lower boom lever:
Moving this lever up will
raise the lower boom, whilst pressing it down
will cause the lower boom to descend.
Upper boom lever:
Moving this lever up will
raise the upper boom, whilst pressing it down
will cause the upper boom to descend.
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Rev F
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
10. Operation