Auto Level / Stow Switch:
Select either
auto level or auto stow, to raise or lower the
stabilisers automatically.
Manual Stabiliser Switches:
Operate the
manual switches to manually raise or lower
individual stabilisers.
Leg Indicator Lights
: Illuminate when the
legs are in contact with the ground.
Lift Enable Light
: This is a duplicate of the
lift enable light on the lower control box. The
platform can only be raised when this light is
lit. When this light is not lit the platform will
not raise because the stabilisers are not set
Ensure that the front stabilisers are lowered first
to prevent damage to the jockey wheel.
Activate the rear stabilisers and level the
machine using the level bubble adjacent to the
control levers.
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
Rev F
page 7 - 5
7. Controls - Electric