RCD/ELCB AC outlet
Figure 3.13 - RCD/ELCB AC Outlet
The RCD (Re sid ual Cur rent De vice) is lo cated at
the base and will pro tect against short cir cuits to
earth. When there is a short cir cuit the RCD will
shut down the 230v AC power to the plat form out -
let. To re set the out let dis con nect the power tool
lead from the plat form box and re set the RCD at the
base. If the prob lem per sists call a trained ser vice
tech ni cian.
Flashing light (Option)
The flashing light alerts people that the
MHP15/44HD is moving. The light flashes at about
one flash per second any time the MASTER KEY
switch is on. There is no ON/OFF switch for the
flashing light, it cannot be turned off while the
MHP15/44HD is running.
page 3 - 4
Rev F
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
3. Safety Devices
Power Input
Power Outlet
At Platform