op er a tor
a qual i fied per son who con trols the move ment of
an ae rial plat form.
per sonal fall ar rest sys tem
a fall protection system that is used while
working on an unprotected edge (such as a roof
top with no guardrail). This system includes a
harness, lanyard or other connecting device, a
fall arrestor, an energy absorber or decelerator,
an anchorage connector, and a secure
anchorage such as a building beam, girders or
columns. An aerial platform is not a fall arrest
the portion of an aerial platform intended to be
occupied by personnel with their tools and
platform height
the vertical distance measured from the floor of
the platform to the surface upon which the
chassis is being supported.
prestart inspection
a required safety inspection routine that is
performed daily before operating the aerial
qualified person
a person, who by reason of knowledge,
experience, or training is familiar with the
operation to be performed and the hazards
rated work load
the designed carrying capacity of the aerial
platform as specified by the manufacturer.
to place a component, such as the platform, in its
rest position.
turning radius
the raidus of the circle created by the wheel
during a 360O turn with the steering wheels
turned to maximum. inside turning radius is the
wheel closest to the centre and outside turning
radius is the wheel farthest from the centre.
the structure above the rotation bearing which
supports the main boom. The turntable rotates
about the centerline of rotation.
unrestricted rated work load
the maximum designed carrying capacity of the
aerial platform allowed by the manufacturer in all
operating configurations.
upper controls
the controls located on or beside the platform
used for operating some or all of the functions of
the aerial platform.
the distance from the centre of the rear wheel to
the centre of the front wheel.
working envelope
the area defined by the horizontal and vertical
limits of boom travel that the platform may be
positioned in.
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Printed in New Zealand