Hourmeter, 5-1
Hydraulic oil
Hydraulic oil level, 9-3
Hydraulic Oil Level, 5-1
Operators pre-operational inspection, 9-1
Inspection and Maintenance Table, 9-1
Insulation Maintenance, 2-13
Insulation rating, 4-1
Left side view of machine, 4-5
Level Bubble, 5-1
Light Flashing, 9-5
Low Voltage Insulation, 2-13, 2-14, 2-15, 2-16,
Main Circuit Breaker, 6-1
manual of responsibilities, A-iv
Maximum height to basket floor, 4-1
Maximum outreach, 4-1
Maximum rated axle capacity, 4-1
Maximum towing speed, 4-1
Minimum Safe Approach Distance
see Electrical Hazard - page ii
Nomenclature And Serial Numbers, 4-4
Control Stations, 10-1
Emergency Stopping, 10-1
Moving The Platform, 10-5
Starting From Ground Control Box, 10-2
Starting From Platform Control Box, 10-4
Operation, 10-1
Other Safety Devices, 3-2
Overall height, 4-1
Standard placards and decals, 9-9
Foot switch, 10-6
Lanyard anchor points, 9-4
Platform size, 4-1
Pre-operational Inspection Table, 9-1
Pre-start Inspection, 1-2
RCD/ELCB Outlet (option), 6-1
Right side view of machine, 4-4
Safe Operation, 1-1
Safe working load, 4-1
Low Voltage Insulation, 2-13, 2-14, 2-15,
safety alerts, A-iii
Safety Decals and Placards, 1-5, 2-13
Safety Devices
Bubble level, 3-3
Emergency Stop Switches, 3-1
Flashing light, 3-4
Foot switch, 3-3
Gravity gate, 3-2
Guardrails, 3-3
Lanyard anchor points, 3-2
RCD/ELCB AC outlet, 3-4
Safety Device Information, 3-1
Safety precautions
Fuel Handling Precautions, 1-4
Hydraulic Systems, 1-4
Securing for Day, 10-9
Stabiliser Controls, 7-4, 8-6
Automatic Operation, 7-4, 8-6
Manual Operation, 7-4, 8-6
Stabilisers, 6-1
Stowing the MHP15/44HD, 12-1
Boom lock pins, 12-1
Boom restraints and keepers, 12-1
Structural damage and welds, 9-4
index 2
Rev F
MHP15/44HD – 12885A