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Cleanout Cover Installation
1. The cleanout covers come insulated from the factory.
Inspect the covers to ensure that the insulation
is not damaged or missing. If it is call the Smith
Customer Service Department.
2. Trim the 1/2 in. rope that’s sticking out around the
cleanout opening fl ush with the castings to insure an
air-tight seal, see Figure 6.
3. Install the cleanout cover bolts from the baffl ed side
of the cleanout cover and start the nuts, Figure 9.
4. Rotate the bolts so the cam heads fi t between the
cleanout cover bosses on the castings.
5. Insert the cleanout cover and tighten the nuts to
15 ft lbs, 21 Nm.
6. Apply a bead of high temperature silicone caulk
around the perimeter of the cleanout cover to ensure
an air tight seal.
Figure 10 - Cleanout Cover Assembly (Typical)
Burner Mounting Plate Installation, Figure 11
1. Apply two coats of the spray adhesive supplied with
the boiler to the rope groove on the plate. Allow time
for the fi rst coat to dry then apply the second coat.
When the second coat is tacky lay the 3/8 in.rope
into the rope groove and press in place.
2. Screw the four 7/16-14 x 2-1/2 in. studs into the
tapped holes in the boiler front section.
3. Install the burner mounting plate insulation block in
the burner opening in the front section of the boiler.
The small observation port cutout must be on the
top, left side.
4. Position the front jacket panel frame over the four