Safety Instructions
2.2 Position of “Warning” label and “Caution” label
This unit contains is provided with “Warning” label and “Caution” label to keep its operator safe. Check the
contents and position of these labels before starting the work.
The unit shall be handled by only specialists.
Transportation, installation and maintenance including dangerous works
shall be done by persons who have full knowledge and experience on
the unit and the system.
Cover panels of this unit shall be opened only by qualified service
technicians or qualified personnel.
Read contents of alert warning and caution labels carefully and keep
them in mind.
Do not peel off or rub alert warning and caution labels.
Confirm locations of alert warning and caution labels.
Other Precautions
If an abnormal matter, such as abnormal noise or smoke, or water
leakage appeared, act as follows.
Shutdown power.
Call us for repair.