SMARTEK Vision | User Manual
– LED Strobe Controller Family | Doc. v2.2.1
IPSC checks for AID at startup
2 and 3
IPSC checks for AID continuously all the time
IPSC checks for DID at startup
IPSC checks for DID and AID at startup
6 and 7
IPSC checks for DID at startup and AID continuously all the time
Analog ID is optional feature to check if light head is connected to IPSC. Pins 7 and 8 on IPSC
output are connected with 1K resistor.
Figure 43: Analog ID interface
Analog ID
reads status of AID for light head:
128 ± 8
Light head is not connected
97 ± 8
Light head is connected
68 ± 8
AID output is connected to GND