Integration of a patient release system (for certain applications)
The device is intended only for installation into an application or sys-
tem. It does not have its own operating control elements, and does
not have an independent patient release mechanism. In the event of
a malfunction, the device cannot extend or retract.
If required by the application, a separate provision for patient
release must be installed, to allow safe release of the patient in case
of emergency, or equipment failure.
Integration of a safety mechanism to prevent unintended
triggering of the operating device (for certain applications)
The device does not have its own operating control elements, and
does not have a safety mechanism against unintended triggering of
the operating device.
If required by the application, a safety provision must be provided
to prevent unintended triggering of the operating device.
The following safety mechanisms have been installed:
The telescopic pillar CPMT is fitted with a thermoswitch in the
motor, which switches off the telescopic pillar if the temperature
reaches a certain threshold, in order to reduce the risk of fire.
Backup nuts are fitted on the ballscrews to prevent the pillar from
collapsing if there is a ballscrew failure.
End limit switches are installed to provide a safe current cut-off
when the end of stroke position of the device is reached. In case of
failure of the end limit switches, a mechanical safety end-stop
prevents the device from exceeding its intended stroke.
The processor decides whether the intended application
requires the installation of an emergency patient release
The processor decides whether the intended application
requires the installation of a safety mechanism to prevent unin-
tended triggering of the operating device.
.: (495)-921-34-60