- 14 -
< > is on
Turn off the unit and add water
to <FULL> level, then re-start
the unit.
< > is on
The water
reservoir has
water, but < >
is on
< > is on
< > is on
No water
runing down
from the
separator pipe
The ice cubes
are too thick
to drop down
The ice cubes
are too thin
The ice maker
works but no
ice cubes
Remove the ice cube in the
Need the technical service
person to maintain
If the ice maker can still work,
change a new sensor
The unit can still work, change a
new sensor
Use slim wire to prick each hole,
till the water can flow out easily.
Clean the water filter
Press “-” to reduce the
ice-making cycle
Move the unit to cool place
The water temperature is should
be no more more than 25℃ (77℉).
Press “+” to increase the ice
making Time.
Move the unit to somewhere
ambient Temp lower than 30℃
(86℉), fill cool water.
Need the technical service
person to maintain
Need the technical service
person to maintain
Lack of water
Ice cubes overload-
ing in the basket
Failure of the inlet
solenoid valve
Failure of the
ambient tempera-
ture sensor
Failure of the water
temperature sensor
The holes are
Water filter block
The ice-making
cycle is too long
Ambient tempera-
ture is too high
Water temperature
is too high
The ice-making
cycle is too short.
Ambient temperature
is high or the water
temperature is high
Refrigerant system
Refrigerant system