Date: 06.05.2014
Page 13 of 23
Art.No. 87185
Mod. status 422/13
0-90-0 Angle display
If the encoder value is smaller than 90 (or 90.0 or 90.00, resp.), it is immediately displayed.
However, if it exceeds the above limits, it is calculated according to the following formula:
Displayed value = 180-encoder value
Fig. 2: Angle display
A flashing angle sign (display position 1) symbolises, that one is in the first quadrant. In this
position no referencing/calibration must be conducted. If, however, referencing/calibration is
required on this position (angle symbol flashes), it can be done by inverting the sense of
Input of limit with switching output option
When entering the limits that are in the quadrant 1, please note that they cannot be entered
directly as with quadrant 0, but must be calculated according to the following formula:
Limiting value = 180 - display value
The lower limit is in quadrant 0 at 40°, the upper limit in quadrant 1 at 40°.
-> LOL: = 40
Calculation of the input value for the upper limit:
Upper limit = 180 - 40 = 140
-> UPL: = 140
Referencing / Calibration
The display must always be referenced/calibrated:
before the first use of the measuring system.
if the actual value memory (STO:) was programmed to 'off'.
in case of a displacement during power failure.
Encoder value
Display value
Quadrant 0
Quadrant 1
Encoder path/
Display value =
encoder value
Display value = 180
– encoder value
Angle symbol flashes (digit 1)