Operating Manual MH 3750
Page 3
1.2 How to Operate And Maintain Device
Battery Operation
and „bAt“ are shown in lower display, the battery has been used up and needs to be replaced. The
device will, however, continue operating correctly for a certain time.
If ´bAt´ is shown in the upper display the battery has been completely used up.
The battery has to be taken out, when storing device above 50°C.
Hint: We recommend to take out battery if device is not used for a longer period of time!
Mains Operation
When using a power supply unit please note that operating voltage has to be 10.5 to 12 V DC. Do not
apply overvoltage!! Simple 12V-power supplies often have excessive no-load voltage. We, therefore, recommend
using regulated voltage power supplies. Trouble-free operation is guaranteed by our power supply GNG10/3000.
Prior to connecting the plug power supply with the mains supply make sure that the operating voltage stated at the
power supply is identical to the mains voltage.
Treat device and probes carefully. Use only in accordance with above specification. (do not throw, hit against etc.).
Protect plugs and sockets from soiling.
To disconnect sensor plug do not pull at the cable but at the plug.
When connecting the probe the plug will slide in smoothly if plug is entered correctly.
Selection of Output-Mode
: The output can be used as serial interface or as analogue output. This choice has to
be done in the configuration menu.
1.3 Connections
Operation as interface: Connect to optically isolated
interface adapter (accessory: GRS 3100 or GRS3105)
Operation as analogue output: Connection via suitable cable.
Attention: The output mode has to be configured (p.r.t. 2.7) and
influences battery life!
Probe connection
Pt100 4-wire
mains socket
is located at the left side of the instrument
1.4 Display Elements
1 = Main Display:
Currently measured temperature
2 = Auxiliary
Display of min, max or hold values
Special display elements:
3 = Warning
indicates a low battery
4 = Corr-arrow
indicates that correction factor is activated
5 = Offset-arrow
indicates that zero point offset (offset) is activated
6 = Min/Max/Hold
shows if a min., max. or hold value is displayed in
the secondary display
7 = Alarm-arrow
Flashes if alarm is present
8 = Logg-arrow
Shown if logger function is selected,
flashes if cyclic logger is running
1.5 Pushbuttons
key 1:
On/Off key
key 4:
press (Menu) for 2 sec.: configuration will activated
keys 2, 5:
min/max when taking measurements:
press shortly: min. or max. measuring value will be displayed
press for 1 sec.: the min. or max. value will be deleted
up/down for configuration:
to enter values or change settings
key 6:
- Measurement: Hold current measuring value ('HLD' in display) or
operation of logger functions (p.r.t. Chapter 5)
- Menu: Acknowledge setting, return to measuring
key 3:
When taking measurements
: no function
During configuration
: Selection of menu-parameter
SIKA, Dr. Siebert & Kühn GmbH & Co. KG, Struthweg 7-9, 34260 Kaufungen, Germany
Tel: +49-5605-803-0, Fax: +49-5605-803-54, email: [email protected], web: www.SIKA.net