Centre for Biological Engineering
Standard Operating Procedure
Title: Use and Maintenance of Sigma Refrigerated Centrifuge 3-16PK
CBE Laboratory Unit (H21/22)
Version 003
Effective Date: 26
June 2018
Review 26
June 2020
Written by: Victoria Workman
Reviewed by: P.Hourd
Approved by: R/I.Temple
Page 3 of 22
Check that the replacement of time-expired components are made according to the
manufacturer’s Instructions - Do not use rotors or buckets which have exceeded their maximum
operating life.
3.1. CBE Laboratory Personnel:
(i) Shall ensure that they are familiar with the centrifuge, its controls, requirements and emergency
procedures by reference to this SOP, and the Manufacturer’s Operating Instructions.
(ii) Shall be an experienced centrifuge user or will have received appropriate training. Before a new
user is allowed to operate a centrifuge on their own, competence to operate the centrifuge must
have been assessed by the responsible person or another experienced user.
(iii) Shall ensure that the centrifuge is suitable for the work they intend to carry out.
(iv) Shall record alarms, adverse events, non-conformances or malfunction on the Preventative
Maintenance of Centrifuges Record (Section 6) and notify the Laboratory Manager/Responsible
(v) Shall complete the cleaning procedures as required and record in the relevant sections on the
Preventative Maintenance of centrifuges Record (refer to section 6)
3.2. The Responsible Person/Laboratory Manager:
(i) Shall ensure laboratory personnel are given suitable information, instruction, training or
supervision in the safe use and maintenance of the equipment, providing the following:
information on the hazards and risks to health;
instruction in safe procedures;
training, where necessary; and effective supervision to ensure, so far as is reasonably
practicable, that centrifuges are operated without risks to the health of employees and other
persons, i.e. including students and visiting research workers
(ii) Shall ensure that the centrifuge and rotors are properly installed and set properly according to the
Operators Manual.
(iii) Shall coordinate weekly maintenance duties to be performed by laboratory personnel (according
to SOP004).
(iv) Shall regularly review maintenance logs and investigate and reported alarms, adverse events or
non-conformances associated with the centrifuge.