Hardware Bag
3 1-72x1/2" Brass Bolts (Slotted
Rd. Hd.)
3 1-72 Brass Hex Nuts
26 #2x3/8" Sheet Metal Screws
2 #2x1/2" Sheet Metal Screws
4 2-56x3/8" Bolts (Slotted Rd.
4 2-56x3/8" Bolts (Flat Head)
11 2-56 Hex Nuts
4 2-56 Blind Nuts
6 #2 Flat Metal Washers
8 4-40x3/8" Bolts (Slotted Rd.
2 4-40x3/8" Bolts (Socket-Head)
2 4-40 Hex Nuts
10 4-40 Blind Nuts
4 6-32x3/4" Bolts (Slotted Rd.
4 6-32 Blind Nuts
2 #6 Flat Metal Washers
2 8-32x1/2" Bolts (Socket-Head)
1 9/64" Allen “L" Wrench: for 8-32
2 8-32 Blind Nuts
2 #8 Flat Metal Washers
2 5/32" id Wheel Collars
2 6-32x1/8" Headless Set Screws:
for wheel collars
1 1/16" Allen “L" Wrench: for wheel
2 4-40x3/8" Nylon Bolts (Socket-
2 Small Nylon Control Horns
1 Medium Nylon Control Horn
4 Nylon Landing Gear Straps
3 2-56 Nylon R/C Links: Ailerons
(2), Elevator(1)
6 2-56 Metal R/C Links: Rudder
(2), Tail Brace Wires(4)
7 2-56 Solder Links: Elevator(1),
Ailerons(2), Tail Brace Wires(4)
2 brass Pushrod Connector Bodies
2 4-40x1/8" Socket-Head Bolt:
set screw for pushrod connector
4 1/4" od Nylon Retainers:
pushrod connectors(2), door
Easy Hinge Bag
17 3/4"x1" SIG Easy Hinges
Nylon Hinge Bag
2 Molded Nylon Hinges
4 Straight Pins
Rudder Pull-Pull Bag
1 .021" dia.x6 ft. Steel Cable
4 3/32" odx1/2" Aluminum Tubes
2 2-56 Rigging Couplers
2 2-56 Hex Nuts
1 1/8" dia.x2" Heat-Shrink Tubing
Tail Wheel Assembly Bag
1 3/32" id Wheel Collar
1 4-40x3/16" Mounting Bolt
(Slotted Rd. Hd.)
2 4-40x3/8" Mounting Bolts
(Slotted Rd. Hd.)
2 4-40 Lock Nuts
2 6-32x1/2" Mounting Bolts
(Slotted Rd. Hd.)
2 6-32 Square Anchor Nuts
1 Nylon Tailwheel Bearing
1 Nylon Rudder Horn
1 Nylon Tiller Bar
1 Formed Leaf-Spring
1 Formed Tailwheel Wire
2 Steering Springs
2 Glass-Filled Engine Mounts
2 .130" od x36" Nylon Tubes:
Elevator Pusrod, Throttle
1 .190" od x36" Nylon Tube:
Elevator Pushrod Sleeve
1 1/16" od x24" Steel Cable:
Throttle Pushrod
1 Aluminum Fueler Mount
2 .060" thick Aluminum: Lower
Strut Fittings
6 .060" thick Aluminum: Upper
Strut Fittings, Fuselage Strut
1 7/8" od x17-1/2" Aluminum
Wing Joiner Tube
1 .880 id x17-1/2" Phenolic Wing
Joiner Tube
3 5/32" od x12" Brass Tube for
Jury Struts
1 2"x20" Glass Cloth Tape
1 SIGDKM282A J-3 Cub Wing
1 SIGDKM282B J-3 Cub Fuselage
1 SIGDKM282C J-3 Cub Bear
1 SIGDKM283A Clipped Wing Cub
Fuselage Decal
1 SIGDKM283B Clipped Wing Cub
Bear Decal
1 Printed Instrument Panel
1 Plan Sheet 1
1 Plan Sheet 2
1 Plan Sheet 3
1 Plan Sheet 4
1 Assembly Manual
Wood Parts Identification
Dimensioned balsa and hardwood parts are easily identifiable by comparing their shape and dimensions to the plans and to the
COMPLETE KIT PARTS LIST. On the other hand, proper identification of the different wing ribs, wing sheeting, fuselage
formers, etc., can be confusing because some of them are very similar looking, when in fact they are quite different.
Use the following KEY TO LASER-CUT PARTS diagrams to correctly identify each part. Use a pencil to label each part with its
name or number, before removing the parts from the laser-cut sheets.
The laser cut parts contained in this kit are extremely accurate in outline and fit. They are meant to be used directly out of their
sheets, without any trimming or sanding unless specifically called for in the instructions. The laser cutting process produces a
brownish edge to the parts and, in some cases, a blackout edge may result when cutting harder plywood parts.
CA adhesives work perfectly on these parts and they do not need to be sanded to remove the discolored edges. In fact, sanding
the edges of laser cut parts can change their shape and/or dimensions, resulting in a poor fit. DO NOT edge sand the laser cut
parts in this kit.