2) When dry, apply glue along the ribs and the front half of the top spar. Uniformly press the sheet down onto the ribs and
spar. Use a straightedge and weight to hold the sheet flat to the spar and spray with accelerator.
Builder’s Tip: You may need to wet the outside surface of the sheet slightly to make it bend over the ribs easier.
Locate the 3/32"x3" balsa sheet left over from sheeting the nose of the fuselage. This will be used for sheeting the top of
wing between ribs W-1 and W-2, from the main spar all the way back to the trailing edge. Cut lengths of the balsa sheet to
fit over the W-1 and W-2 ribs, and glue in place.
Note: Be sure to remove all the pins from the ribs and spars between the W-1 and W-2 ribs.
Cut to length and glue in place the 3/32"x1/4" balsa Cap Strips over ribs W-3, W-4, and W-5. Carefully study the plans so
you will know which Cap Strips should be put on centered over the rib and which ones should be put on along the edge of a
The trailing edge of the tip rib should be capped with a short piece of the 3/32" sq. balsa left over from the fuselage bottom
corner stringers.
When everything is dry, remove the wing panel from the building board. Thoroughly inspect your work and re-glue all joints
with a small bead of Medium CA .
Locate the plywood Front Strut Mounts, Rear Strut Mounts, and Jury Strut Mounts (sheet 15). Lay them in place on the wing
plan, carefully centering the holes in the mounts with the blind nuts on the plan. Now lay the wing panel back in place on the
plan, on top of the strut mounts. Carefully line the wing up with the plan. One at a time, glue the strut mounts to the wing
structure, making certain you get them in the proper location.
Locate the Strut Mount Doublers (sheet 15). Determine which doubler fits behind which strut mount, and then glue them in
place inside the wing. When dry, use a 9/64" drill to re-open the holes for the blind nuts.
Install 4-40 Blind Nuts in the holes from the inside, gluing them to the strut mount doublers.
Pin the wing panel on the building board upside down along the main spar. Using scrap wood to support the leading and
trailing edges of the wing. It is important to properly support the wing panel during the next step in order to avoid inducing a
warp into the structure.
Locate the Bottom L.E. Sheeting (sheet12). Check the fit of the Bottom L.E.
Sheeting to the wing structure, especially around the strut mounts. Bevel the front
edge of the Bottom L.E. Sheeting slightly with a sanding block to achieve a good
joint with the back of the formed balsa leading edge. When everything fits
properly, glue the Bottom L.E. Sheeting in place in the same manner you did the
top leading edge sheeting in step 80b.
NOTE: If you are building the Clipped Wing Cub the Bottom L.E. Sheeting is in
laser-cut sheet 24.
Cut to length and glue on the bottom 3/32"x1"x13-3/4" balsa T.E. sheet (remember step 78).
NOTE: It’s 5-7/8" long if you’re building the Clipped Wing Cub.