c. Glue seven balsa Aileron Ribs (sheet 11) in place, locating them in the slots in
the Aileron Bottom Sheet.
Locate the plywood Aileron Horn Mount (sheet 27). Notice the small hole in the
part. This is where the nylon control horn will be screwed on later. In order to
make that installation of the control horn easier later on, it’s a good idea to pre-
thread the hole now by screwing in a #2 x3/8" Sheet Metal Screw and then
taking it back out. Do this a couple times and then, after the screw is out, soak a
little Thin CA glue in the threads to toughen them up. When done, glue the
plywood Aileron Horn Mount in place on the Aileron Bottom Sheet - locate it 5-
1/8" from the inboard end of the aileron (see plan).
Cut a piece of 1/8"x1/4" balsa stick for the top Aileron Spar and glue it in place in
the notches of the ribs.
Use a small sanding block to taper the back edge of the Aileron Bottom Sheet to
match the angle of the ribs.
Trial fit the Aileron Top Sheet (sheet 8). Adjust if necessary, then glue it in place.
Remove the aileron from the building board and block sand the top and bottom sheets smooth. Also, sand the two
1/8"x1/4" Aileron Spars flush with the front face of the ribs.
Finish off the front of the aileron by gluing on a piece of 1/8"x1" balsa. When dry, carve and sand off the overhang flush
with top and bottom aileron sheet.
With a razor saw, cut off the base of a small Nylon Control Horn (4 holes). Inlet the bottom of the aileron sheeting to allow
the Nylon Control Horn to be slid in place alongside the plywood Aileron Horn Mount. Before cutting, study the wing plan
and the cross-section drawings to familiarize yourself with how the Nylon Control Horn should be installed in the aileron.
Notice that the horn should be installed on the outboard side of the plywood Aileron Horn Mount (installed in step 205d).
Also, determine how far into the aileron the horn should be located.
Hold the Control Horn in position against the plywood mount and mark the location of the pre-threaded hole onto the horn.
Remove the Control Horn and drill the hole with a 3/32" bit. Then, apply a small amount of epoxy to the horn and screw it
securely in place against the plywood mount.
Fill in behind the horn, on the bottom of
the aileron, with 3/64"x3/8" scrap balsa
to provide a place to attach the
covering material later.
Smear a little more epoxy glue over
the screw and horn assembly inside
the aileron to make sure it never
comes loose.
Aileron Servo Installation
Lay your aileron servo on its side with a 1/32" thick scrap shim of plywood or cardboard underneath it. Then, place the
1/4"x3/4"x7/8" basswood Aileron Servo Mounts under the servo lugs and mark the location of the servo mounting holes
onto the mounts. Drill 1/16" dia. pilot holes for the mounting screws.
Mount the servo to the mounts using the grommets, eyelets, and screws that came with the servo.
Position the mounted servo on the plywood Aileron Hatch, centering the servo arm in the slot. Glue the servo mounts to
the hatch cover. Make sure you glue it to the correct side of the slot so the pushrod will line up with the aileron horn. The
plan shows the proper arrangement.