Mount the aileron servo/hatch assembly in the wing. Use a 12" aileron extension
cable (not supplied) to extend the servo wire to the end of the wing panel.
You have now completed one wing panel and one aileron.
Repeat the steps to build the opposite wing panel and aileron.
Mounting The Wings
Locate the 7/8" od x17-1/2" aluminum tube for the Wing Joiners. Cut two 8-3/8" long pieces.
Slide the aluminum tube Wing Joiners inside the phenolic tube sleeves that are built into the root ends of both wing
panels. Push them all the way in, until they bottom out against the plywood end caps of the phenolic sleeves. That should
leave about 1-3/16" of aluminum tube sticking out of the end of the wing panel.
Locate the 3/16" dia. x6" hardwood Rear Wing Dowel. This dowel goes
completely thru the cabin center section and sticks out on both sides. It’s
purpose is to engage the aft portion of the wing panels, to prevent them from
pivoting around the aluminum tube Wing Joiner at the front. Slide the dowel thru
the small holes at the rear of the cabin center section, until there is an equal
amount of dowel sticking out each side of the fuselage.
Note: You can glue the dowel in the center section at this time if you wish, or as
we prefer, you can wait until after the fuselage is covered to glue the dowel in
Mount the wing panels on the fuselage by sliding the protruding part of the aluminum Wing Joiner into the sleeve in the
center section, while at the same time sliding the protruding Rear Wing Dowel into the wing panel.
Use an 8-32 x1/2" Socket-Head Bolt along with a #8 Flat Metal Washer, from the inside of the cabin, to hold the wing
panel up tight against the fuselage. Remember, 8-32 Blind Nuts were mounted inside the W-1 rib for this purpose way
back at the beginning of the wing panel construction.
Wing Struts
The Front Wing Struts for the Piper J-3 Cub are 1/4"x1/2"x24-1/4" spruce, and the Rear Wing Struts are 1/4"x3/8"x24-1/4"
spruce. Study the J-3 Wing Strut Plan (plan sheet 3) to understand the design of the wing struts. Notice that the Front and
Rear Struts will be joined permanently together into a one-piece "V"-shaped wing strut assembly.
NOTE: If you are building the Clipped Wing Cub, the Front and Rear Struts are both made of 1/4"x1/2"x24-1/4" spruce.
The Clipped Wing Strut Plan is on plan sheet 4.
Lay the spruce Front Wing Strut down on the plan. Mark and cut the ends of the
spruce to match the plan, being careful to get the overall length exact.
Lay the spruce Rear Wing Strut down on the plan. Cut the lower (fuselage) end
of this strut as shown on the plan. It must be cut at an angle to mate up properly
with the Front Wing Strut. After you’ve got that end done, mark and cut the other
end of the Rear Wing Strut to proper length.
Mark the slots to be cut in each end of the spruce struts. Cut the slots down the
middle of the sticks with a band saw or small hand saw.
Locate two .060"x3/8"x2-1/4" pieces of aluminum for the Fuselage Strut Fittings. Lay them on the Fuselage Strut Fittings
drawing (plan sheet 3) and mark the locations for the 1/8" and 3/32" dia. holes. Clamp the part in a vise and drill the holes
(use a drill press if available).