c. Epoxy the square nuts firmly in place being careful not to get any glue on the machine screws. When dry, remove the
Locate former F-5A (sheet 10) and former F-6A (sheet 23). Using the cross-sections on the plans as a guide, glue the
1/8"x1/4" balsa stiffeners to the back of the two formers.
Remove the right fuselage side and tail mount from sheet 16, and glue them together as shown. Do the same for the left
fuselage side and tail mount, which are in sheet 17.
Remove the servo tray and the two servo tray doublers from sheet 27. Glue the doublers in place on the servo tray.Make
sure that the end of the doubler does not stick out beyond the edge of the tray.
Now is a good time to mount your servos in the servo tray. Position the servos in the tray as shown and pre-drill the
mounting holes.
Locate the three window braces (sheet 2). Compare the length of the three braces - two the same and one is different in
length. The longer one is glued in the front notch on the left fuselage side at the front notch and the shorter one is glued in
the back notch. The other short brace is glued in the rear notch of the right fuselage side. Be sure to glue these braces to
the INSIDE of the fuselage sides.
Locate the two 3/8"x3/4"x4-15/16" grooved hardwood landing gear blocks and the two gear doublers (sheet 27). Glue one
doubler to the top of each grooved block.
Basic Fuselage Assembly
Match up fuselage formers F-4, F-5, and
F-6 to their crosssection drawings on the
plans, and then mark "top front" on these
formers. This will help you keep the
orientation of these formers correct
when placing them in the fuselage
during the next step, which will result in
the holes for the elevator pushrod being
in the correct location on the left side of
the fuselage.